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Professional team
Highly-certified and compassionate groomers
Top- quality grooming equipment and products
Pleasant ambiance
Stress free environment
Dog and Cat Grooming Unleash the Benefits!
Hygiene and Comfort
Regular grooming helps maintain your pet's coat, keeping it free from mats, tangles, dirt and debris
Trimming nail prevents discomfort and potential injuries
Our services
We provide high quality grooming services in a hygienic, safe, modern salon. Providing the loving care your pet would receive at home.
Nail Clipping
Our Nail Trimming Service at Spa Time is a quick and effective way to ensure your furry friend's paws are ready for whatever adventure comes their way.
From £12.00
Emmi Ultra-Sound Teeth Cleaning
The most gentle and effective dental toothbrush with ultrasound.
From £15.00
Short-Hair Full Groom
Bath, blow dry, ear cleaning and spritz.
From: £35.00
Long-Hair Full Groom
Bath, blow dry, clipping and/or scissoring the coat, nail clipping, ear cleaning and spritz.
From £55.00
Ear Cleaning
At Spa Time, we're committed to making ear cleaning a positive and beneficial experience for you and your furry friend.
From £10.00
Puppy Groom
Bathe your puppy, check their eyes and ears to ensure they are clean, check their nose to ensure it is moist and not cracked, and clean out their paws.
From £30.00
Cat Grooming
Bath, blow dry, clipping and/or scissoring the coat, nail clipping, ear cleaning and spritz.
From £80.00
SPA Packages
Blueberry Facial, Coat Care & Detox Charcoal Bath, Paw & Nose Balm, seasonal Shampoo, Special Luxury Cologne, Bandana, Seasonal Digital Photo. £20.00 added to groom.
Pet Taxi
Can’t make it to the Salon? It's not a problem; we can pick up your pet and drop it back when done.
From £10.00
Hand Stripping
Coat-specific hand stripping service.
From £15.00
Our accreditations